Hooks – Batch – Import CG Passes – CG Back to Beauty

Author: Stefan
Created for Flame 2019.2
GNU License

– Creates a new BatchGroup and import all (or only selected) cg passes for a given element in a given shot.
– Creates a Flowgraph to rebuild the Beauty Pass from multi passes CG renders.

The back to beauty (btb) part is built around Maya/Vray (using a common Maya/Vray render passes set), but if you’re keen to poke around the easy part of the code, you can build a different schematic meeting your needs. This can greatly simplify silly repetitive tasks.

Anyway, if you unselect the “Rebuild Beauty” option, this will still work and you’ll be able to import all the passes found for a given object.

This hook will show up in the Main Menu (bottom right), meaning that you can assign a shortcut to it.

-Install: Unzip and put the folder in your previously defined hooks folder. See ‘Getting Started‘ article:
First window:
– Shot Path: the folder that contains your Sequence folder. For example, in “shots”, i’ll have a subfolder per sequences (SEQ1, SEQ2, ABC, …) where all shot folders will be found (SEQ1_0010, SEQ1_0020 …)
– Pattern for renders filepath: Type in your pattern, like: subfolder1/subfolder2/subfolder2/CG_renders
– File Type: type the extension of the files that should be imported, without the ‘.’, like exr, or clip …
– Shot Name: The name of the shot, like: SEQ1_0010, or SEQ2_0160
– Element Name: The name of CG element, like: car_left, apple, coffee_table …
– Find: Runs the search and open the next window (options)

Second Window (Options):
A couple obvious things: select all, select none.
OpenClip Path: This is the same as the Write File node “Media Path” and clicking “Change Path”. The pattern itself is hard coded for now, but it could change depending of feedback and requests. Same for a few other option related to the open clip.
Import Selected: Well, execute the final part and close the window.

Hope you like it and find it useful.

Comments and feedback appreciated.



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